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Are Essential Oils Safe For Pregnant Mums and Babies?
Are Essential Oils Safe For Pregnant Mums and Babies?

Essential oils provide a variety of benefits when used in skin and hair products. But did you know that not all essential oils are safe to use for pregnant mummies and babies? Many herbs and plants can trigger contraction and may affect your internal organs so do not use the following essential oils while you are pregnant:

  • Nutmeg, which may have hallucinogenic effects and react with pain-relieving drugs in labour.
  • Rosemary, which is thought to increase blood pressure, and may cause contractions.
  • Basil, which is thought to contribute to abnormal cell development.
  • Jasmine and clary sage, which may trigger contractions.
  • Sage and rose, which may cause bleeding in your uterus (womb).
  • Juniper berry, which may affect your kidneys.
  • Citronella, , which may stimulate contractions.

There is a lot of confusion over the safety of lavender essential oil in pregnancy and that’s because lavender can be used to regulate periods. Rest assured that this does not mean using it in pregnancy raises the risk of miscarriage. However, for ease of mind, you may want to wait until your second trimester before using it.

The three essential oils used in Twinkle products are of the highest quality and are 100% safe for pregnant mummies and babies. Here’s a look at the 100% natural essential oils used in Twinkle’s products and what they can do for you.


lavender essential oil

Typically used in aromatherapy, lavender essential oil helps to alleviate anxiety, insomnia, depression and restlessness. It also possesses antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to heal wounds and soothe sensitive skin. Not only beneficial to the skin, lavender essential oil can also be used to relieve pain and reduce hair loss.


orange essential oil

Essential oil extracted from orange peels acts as an immunity booster, muscle relaxant and skin nourishment. Effective in treating dry and sensitive skin, orange oil also supports collagen formation. Packed with high amounts of vitamin C, it is also commonly used in hair products to moisturise and nurse brittle hair back to health.


lemongrass essential oil

The strong scent of lemongrass essential oil is extremely effective both as an insect repellent and an environmentally friendly deodorant. It is often used to relieve pains and itches due to its analgesic nature and anti-inflammatory properties. Considered to be useful in aromatherapy, the scent of lemongrass is mood lifting and fights anxiety and depression.


Read all about the grape seed oil which is used in almost all of Twinkle’s products and how it is good for you and and your baby’s skin here.

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